Customized LCD screen with precise cuts and interfaces ensure perfect match for the interface.
LCD Module Blue Green Screen For Arduino 0802 1602 2004 12864 LCD Character UNO R3 Mega2560 Display PCF8574T IIC I2C Interface - I2C LCD2004 Green
- Display: 4 lines x 20 characters
- Backlight: Blue with white character color
- LCD controller: HD44780
- Pin Definition: VCC/ GND/SDL and SCA
- Contrast Adjust: Potentiometer
- Backlight Adjust: Jumper
- Default Address: 0x27, 0x3F
- Working Voltage: 5V
- 2004 20*4 20X4 Character LCD Display Module
- Does not include IIC I2C adapter converter module PCF8574
- Green backlight
- Fully assembled and tested Serial LCD 20x4 Module
- Display Format: 20 Characters x 4 lines
- Supply voltage: 5V