Sensor kit with Arduino UNO R3
Kit contents
- UNO R3 control board
- V5 sensor shield
- 40 Female to female Dupont line
- USB cable
- Piranha LED Module
- Digital white LED module
- Passive Buzzer module
- Hall Magnetic Sensor
- LM35 Temperature Sensor
- 18B20 Temperature Sensor
- Digital Tilt Sensor
- Photocell sensor
- Digital Push Button
- Capacitive Touch Sensor
- DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor
- Analog Sound Sensor
- Flame Sensor
- 3231 Clock Module
- MQ-2 Analog Gas Sensor
- MQ-3 Analog Alcohol Sensor
- Water sensor
- Soil humidity sensor
- Infrared Obstacle Avoidance Sensor
- PIR Motion Sensor
- Joystick Module
- photo interrupter module
- 5V Relay Module
- ADXL345 Three Axis Acceleration Module
- Rotary Encoder module
- Analog Rotation Sensor
- HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor
- Pulse Rate Monitor
- Reed Switch Module
- TEMT6000 ambient light sensor
Project list
- Piranha LED Module
- Digital white LED module
- Passive Buzzer module
- Hall Magnetic Sensor
- LM35 Temperature Sensor
- 18B20 Temperature Sensor
- Digital Tilt Sensor
- Photocell sensor
- Digital Push Button
- Capacitive Touch Sensor
- DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor
- Analog Sound Sensor
- Flame Sensor
- 3231 Clock Module
- MQ-2 Analog Gas Sensor
- MQ-3 Analog Alcohol Sensor
- Water sensor
- Soil humidity sensor
- Infrared Obstacle Avoidance Sensor
- PIR Motion Sensor
- Joystick Module
- photo interrupter module
- 5V Relay Module
- ADXL345 Three Axis Acceleration Module
- Rotary Encoder module
- Analog Rotation Sensor
- HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor
- Pulse Rate Monitor
- Reed Switch Module
- TEMT6000 ambient light sensor